Australian geat2GO is a national Australian Government initiative available for clients eligible for the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP). It allows older people to access helpful devices and equipment to continue living independently and make daily tasks easier. Some of TabTimer's products are able to be funded by geat2GO.
A client must first be registered with My Aged Care (MAC), they can then access approx. $700 per financial year for goods and equipment through geat2GO. The program is a complete service for the client with care plan. Only health professionals can request products using geat2GO funding; they must have assessed the customer, gained their consent and provide a MAC referral code with the request.
This program offers more choice and opportunity to deliver assistive technology (devices and equipment) to older people. This helps to close GEAT service gaps, reduces wait time (where an Occupational Therapist assessment is not required) and gives health professionals more options for sourcing items.
The following types of health professionals can register and prescribe geat2GO; RAS, ACAT/ACAS, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Speech Pathologist, Optometrist, and Orthoptist.
Under GEAT there are lots of different types of helpful devices to make daily activities easier and safer such as personal alarms, dressing aids, kitchen items, bathroom chairs and non-slip mats.
For Consumers
How do I access items funded through GEAT?
What if I already have a GEAT referral code?
To speak to a geat2GO team member please call the geat2GO Advice Line on; 1800 518 218 (customer line) or 1800 518 218 (Assessor and Prescriber line).
For more information about geat2GO ; Call the Australian geat2GO Advice Lines: 1800 519 479 (Customer line) and 1800 518 218 (Assessor and Prescriber line) or email:
For more information about TabTimer products available via geat2GO ; See the links below or call TabTimer on 1300 822 846.
TabTimer Careousel ADVANCE Pill Dispenser - BundleProduct no.: TT24-28ADVWH-BUNTabTimer Careousel Advance Automatic Pill Dispenser - Bundle (White Lid Solid + tray set) Dispenser with spare tray set |
TabTimer Careousel MK3 Automatic Pill Dispenser - BundleProduct no.: TT28-29MK3-11-BUNTabTimer Careousel MK3 Automatic Pill Dispenser - Bundle Pill dispenser with spare tray set
TabTimer Careousel ADVANCE Automatic Pill Dispenser - White Lid SolidProduct no.: TT24-28ADVWH28 useable medicine sections, presents the right dose at the right time with other medicines locked in the dispenser. |
TabTimer Careousel MK3 Automatic Pill Dispenser TT28-29MK3-11Product no.: TT28-29MK3-11Pivotell® Mark3/11 Automatic Pill Dispenser, with 1-28 daily alarms and features designed for Pharmacy Filling.
Tipper for TabTimer Careousel DispenserProduct no.: TT-TIPPER-CARETipper for TabTimer Careousel Automatic Pill Dispensers (MK3 & Advance), e-pill MedTime, and MedTime PLUS only |
SPARE TRAY for TabTimer Careousel ADVANCE Automatic Pill Dispenser TT24-28ADVProduct no.: TT24-28ADVXTAdvance Dispenser Spare Tray Kit Includes Spare Tray & Lid, and Day/Time Discs. Fits Careousel ADVANCE Automatic Dispenser Only |
SPARE TRAY for TabTimer Careousel Pill Dispenser MK3/11Product no.: TT28-29MK3-XTSpare Tray Set for TabTimer MK3 Pill Dispenser Spare tray, lid and time discs. Fits MK3 & Medtime Automatic Pill Dispenses Only
You save $16.00
FROSTED LID for TabTimer Careousel ADVANCE Pill Dispenser TT24-28ADVProduct no.: TT24-28ADV-XFLFrosted Lid for TabTimer Careousel ADVANCE Automatic Pill Dispenser TT24-28ADV
Frosted Lid for TabTimer Careousel Pill Dispenser MK3/11Product no.: TT28-29MK3-XFLFrosted Lid for TabTimer Careousel Automatic Pill Dispenser MK3/11
8" TALKING Digital Dementia Orientation Day Clock - BLACKProduct no.: TTC-DC80038"TALKING Digital Day Clock BLACK |
8" TALKING Digital Dementia Orientation Day Clock - WHITEProduct no.: TTC-DC8003-WH8"TALKING Digital Day Clock WHITE |
VISO10 - Large Easy Read Alzheimer's Dementia Clock - TTC-VISO10Product no.: TTC-VISO10Easy to Read Clock - Alzheimer's Dementia Visual & Memory Aid Clock
12 inch Digital Calendar Day Clock - Orientation Dementia Clock - TTC-DC1201-JProduct no.: TTC-DC1201-J12 inch Digital Calendar Day Clock
MemRabel 2 Dementia Orientation Clock AudioVisual Calendar Alarm (v6.3) - TTC-MEMRABEL2Product no.: TTC-MEMRABEL2Dementia friendly Audio Visual Orientation/Calendar Alarm Clock |
Jadco Analogue Calendar Clock with Automatic Flip Calendar BQ12AProduct no.: BQ12AJadco Analogue Calendar Clock with Automatic Flip Orientation Clock
You save $8.00
Jadco Auto Digital Day of the Week Calendar Flip ClockProduct no.: BQ170Jadco Auto Digital Day of Week Calendar Flip Orientation Clock
You save $6.00
Jadco Automatic Flip Calendar with Analogue ClockProduct no.: BQ38Jadco Automatic Flip Calendar with Analogue Clock
You save $5.00
Motion Activated Memo Reminder TT-MAMRProduct no.: TT-MAMRMotion Activated Memo Reminder |
Rainbow CONNECTION Pill Box Timer - TT4-15Product no.: TT4-15Up to 4 alarms per day - 15 storage compartments |
The Handi Pill Organiser - 4 Alarm 28 Compartment Pill Box Timer - TT4-28-HANDIProduct no.: TT4-28-HANDIUp to 4 alarms per day - 28 storage compartments |
VitaCarry Gasketed 4 Compartment Pill Box (White) with 4 Alarm Timer - TT-VC4-4Product no.: TT-VC4-44 Dose Large Capacity Organizer and Medication Reminder |
Super Storm Digital Talking Watch Black with Alarm / Snooze TTW-SSTWProduct no.: TTW-SSTWSuperStorm Digital LCD Talking Watch Black with Alarm / Snooze TTW-SSTW |
Low Vision Talking Watch for low vision or vision impairment - TTW-LVTW-WBKProduct no.: TTW-LVTW-WBKLow Vision Talking Watch for people with low vision or vision impaired people. Perfect for macular degeneration.
Low Vision Talking Watch for low vision or vision impairment - TTW-LVTW-BLUProduct no.: TTW-LVTW-BLULow Vision Talking Watch for people with low vision or vision impaired people. Perfect for macular degeneration. |
Low Vision Talking Watch for low vision or vision impaired Brown leather band - TTW-LVTW-BRWProduct no.: TTW-LVTW-BRWLow Vision Talking Watch for people with low vision or vision impairment. Perfect for macular degeneration. Brown Leather Band |
Low Vision Talking Watch for low vision or vision impaired white leather band - TTW-LVTW-WHTProduct no.: TTW-LVTW-WHTLow Vision Talking Watch for people with low vision or vision impairment. Perfect for macular degeneration. White Leather Band |
Low Vision Talking Watch for low vision or vision impaired yellow leather band - TTW-LVTW-YELLProduct no.: TTW-LVTW-YELLLow Vision Talking Watch for people with low vision or vision impairment. Perfect for macular degeneration. Yellow Leather Band |
Low Vision Talking Watch for people with low vision, blindness rhinestone pink band - TTW-LVTW-RPKProduct no.: TTW-LVTW-RPKLow Vision Talking Watch for people with low vision or vision impaired people. Perfect for macular degeneration. |
Low Vision Talking Watch for vision impairment rhinestone white band - TTW-LVTW-RWHProduct no.: TTW-LVTW-RWHLow Vision Talking Watch for people with low vision or vision impaired people. Perfect for macular degeneration. |
Low Vision Talking Watch for vision impairment rhinestone black band - TTW-LVTW-RBKProduct no.: TTW-LVTW-RBKLow Vision Talking Watch for people with low vision or vision impaired people. Perfect for macular degeneration. |
Large Male British Voice 2 Button Talking Watch Black Dial Leather Strap - TTW-LVTW-2BBKProduct no.: TTW-LVTW-2BBKLarge Low Vision 2 Button Talking Watch with Male Voice for vision impaired, macular degeneration |
Braille Low Vision TACTILE Talking Watch for blind people or vision impaired - TTW-BRTW-WBKProduct no.: TTW-BRTW-TACBraille Low Vision Tactile Talking Watch for blind people, low vision, or vision impaired people. Perfect for macular degeneration. |
Low Vision Talking Watch for low vision, blind, or vision impairment - gold flex band - TTW-LVTW-GLDProduct no.: TTW-LVTW-GLDLow Vision Talking Watch for people with low vision, blind, or vision impaired people. Perfect for macular degeneration. Gold colour Stretch Flexi Band |
Low Vision Talking Watch for blind, or vision impairment -gents link band - TTW-LVTW-SSMProduct no.: TTW-LVTW-SSMLow Vision Talking Watch for blind, or vision impaired people, Macular degeneration. Gents Stainless Steel Link Band |
VibraLITE MINI - Purple Leather Band - Vibrating 12 Alarm Reminder Watch -TTW-VM-LPLProduct no.: TTW-VM-LPL12 Daily Alarm Settings |
VibraLITE MINI - White Silicon Band - Vibrating Alarm Reminder Watch - TabTimer TTW-VM-SWHProduct no.: TTW-VM-SWH12 Daily Alarm Settings
VibraLITE MINI - Multi Colour Rainbow Silicon Band - Vibrating Watch - TabTimer TTW-VM-SMCProduct no.: TTW-VM-SMCUp to 12 Daily Alarms
VibraLITE MINI - Pink Neon Band - Vibrating Watch- TTW-VM-VPNProduct no.: TTW-VM-VPN12 Daily Alarm Settings
VibraLITE MINI - Flexi Stretch Band - Vibrating Watch - TTW-VM-FLEXProduct no.: TTW-VM-FLEX12 Daily Alarm Settings |
WatchMinder 3 - white - vibrating watch reminder system WM3-WHProduct no.: TTW-WM3-WHUp to 30 Daily Alarm Settings |
WatchMinder 3 - Red - vibrating watch reminder system WM3-REDProduct no.: TTW-WM3-REDUp to 30 Daily Alarm Settings |
WatchMinder 3 - Blue - vibrating watch reminder system WM3-BLUProduct no.: TTW-WM3-BLUUp to 30 Daily Alarm Settings |
WatchMinder 3 - Flexi - vibrating watch reminder system WM3-FLEXProduct no.: TTW-WM3-FLEXUp to 30 Daily Alarm Settings |
WatchMinder 3 - pink - vibrating watch reminder system WM3-PKProduct no.: TTW-WM3-PKUp to 30 Daily Alarm Settings |
WatchMinder 3 - black - vibrating watch reminder system WM3-BKProduct no.: TTW-WM3-BKUp to 30 Daily Alarm Settings |
epill Cadex VibraPlus 8 Alarm Flexi Band Vibrating Reminder Watch VP8-FLEXProduct no.: TTW-CAD-VP8-FLEXUp to 8 Daily Alarm Settings with Vibration
You save $5.00
epill Cadex VibraPlus 8 Alarm Vibrating Medication Reminder Watch - TTW-CAD-VP8Product no.: TTW-CAD-VP8Up to 8 Daily Alarm Settings with Vibration |
Large Male MANDARIN Voice 2 Button Talking Watch White Dial Leather Strap - TTW-LVTW-2BWH-MANProduct no.: TTW-LVTW-2BWH-MANLarge Low Vision 2 Button MANDARIN Talking Watch with mandarin voice for vision impaired, macular degeneration |
Low Vision CANTONESE Talking Watch for low vision, vision impaired - TTW-LVTW-WBK-CANProduct no.: TTW-LVTW-WBK-CANLow Vision CANTONESE Talking Watch for people with low vision or vision impaired people. Perfect for macular degeneration.
Low Vision VIETNAMESE Talking Watch for low vision impaired - gents link band - TTW-LVTW-SSMProduct no.: TTW-LVTW-SSM-VIETLow Vision VIETNAMESE Talking Watch for blind, or vision impaired people, Macular degeneration. Gents Stainless Steel Link Band |
Low Vision Talking Watch (with FLEX BAND) for low vision or vision impairment - TTW-LVTW-WBK-FLEXProduct no.: TTW-LVTW-WBK-FLEXLow Vision Talking Watch (with FLEX BAND) for people with low vision or vision impaired people. Perfect for macular degeneration.
MedPage Tone & Vibrating pager with Door Kit Bundle - MPPL-DCKITProduct no.: MPPL-DCKIT $280.00 * |
MedPage Splash Proof Call Pendant with Vibrating Pager - MPPL-ERTXSETProduct no.: MPPL-ERTXSET $280.00 * |
Talking Electronic Body Weight Scale TT-TBSProduct no.: TT-TBSTalking Electronic Body Weight Scale TT-TBS |