These lockable storage boxes could be used to keep medicines safely locked away. Medicine lock box.
Locked box. Lockable storage box.
Keep medicines securely locked away under lock and key.
Vaultz Locking Medicine Case - BlackProduct no.: TT-VZ00361Vaultz Locking Medicine Case - Black |
Vaultz Locking Storage Clipboard - BlackProduct no.: TT-VZ01230Vaultz Locking Storage Clipboard - Black
Vaultz Locking Pill Storage Box - BlackProduct no.: TT-VZ03480Vaultz Locking Pill Storage Box - Black
MedReady MR-357FL Auto Pill Dispenser SMS/Email Alerts* & Light - MR-357FLProduct no.: MR-357FLInternet Ready, built in 4G SIM card - Capable of SMS/Email Alerts* |
MedReady 1700-FL Medication Dispenser with Flashing Light -MR-1700FLProduct no.: MR-1700FLUp to 4 alarms per day - 28 storage compartments |
MedReady 1700PRN Medication Dispenser for PRN regimen -MR-1700PRNProduct no.: MR-1700PRNPRN dispensing simply limits the time between 'as needed' doses - 28 storage compartments |
MEDTIME Locked Automatic Pill DispenserProduct no.: TT28-28-MedTimeUp to 28 alarms per day - 28 storage compartments
You save $11.00
e-pill | MedTime SAFE | Tamper Resistant Automatic Pill DispenserProduct no.: TT28-28-epill-SAFEe-pill | MedTime SAFE | Tamper Resistant Automatic Pill Dispenser
Vaultz Double Loop Tether Secure CableProduct no.: TT-VZ00595Vaultz Double Loop Tether |
Face Shield - Protective Isolation MaskProduct no.: FM-SHIELDFace Shield - Protective Isolation Mask - direct splash protection Mask up - protect yourself - protect others |
TabTimer Careousel ADVANCE Automatic Pill Dispenser - White Lid SolidProduct no.: TT24-28ADVWH28 useable medicine sections, presents the right dose at the right time with other medicines locked in the dispenser. |
TabTimer Careousel MK3 Automatic Pill Dispenser TT28-29MK3-11Product no.: TT28-29MK3-11Pivotell® Mark3/11 Automatic Pill Dispenser, with 1-28 daily alarms and features designed for Pharmacy Filling.
TabTimer Careousel ADVANCE Pill Dispenser - BundleProduct no.: TT24-28ADVWH-BUNTabTimer Careousel Advance Automatic Pill Dispenser - Bundle (White Lid Solid + tray set) Dispenser with spare tray set |
TabTimer Careousel MK3 Automatic Pill Dispenser - BundleProduct no.: TT28-29MK3-11-BUNTabTimer Careousel MK3 Automatic Pill Dispenser - Bundle Pill dispenser with spare tray set
Automatic Pill Dispenser MK3 Pharmacy Bundle with spare tray + stickersProduct no.: TT28-29MK3-11-PHARMAutomatic MK3 pill dispenser with spare tray and tamper evident stickers |
Automatic Pill Dispenser ADVANCE Pharmacy Bundle with spare tray + stickersProduct no.: TT24-28ADVWH-PHARMAutomatic ADVANCE pill dispenser with spare tray & tamper evident stickers |
75% Alcohol Hand Sanitiser 500ml - HS500mlProduct no.: HS500ml75% Alcohol Hand Sanitiser 500ml |