TabTimer products can be used to assist people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a debilitating disorder characterized by extreme fatigue or tiredness that doesn't go away with rest, and can't be explained by an underlying medical condition. CFS can also be referred to as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) or systemic exertion intolerance disease (SEID).
TabTimer products can be used to remind you to eat and drink on-time, take medicines or alert you to keep you awake at the right times.
TabTimer 7 Alarm Pill Box - TT7-7Product no.: TT7-7Up to 7 alarms per day - 7 storage compartments
TabTimer Careousel ADVANCE Automatic Pill Dispenser - White Lid SolidProduct no.: TT24-28ADVWH28 useable medicine sections, presents the right dose at the right time with other medicines locked in the dispenser. |
7 Day / 1 Week Countdown Timer - TT1-07Product no.: TT1-077 Day / 1 Week Countdown Timer |
90 Day / 3 Month Countdown Timer - TT1-90Product no.: TT1-9090 Day / 3 Month Countdown Timer |
MedCenter Your Minder Personal Recordable Talking Alarm Clock TTC-MCRECProduct no.: TTC-MCRECTalking Alarm Clock with upto 6 Recordable Messages p/day
The MedCenter System – Talking Alarm Clock System - TTC-MCSYSProduct no.: TTC-MCSYSMonthly organiser & reminder system for daily medicines |
MedCenter Talking Alarm Clock – TTC-MCTALKProduct no.: TTC-MCTALKTalking Alarm Clock, upto 4 Medication Reminders p/day
Lanyard Kit Pendant Conversion - TTW-CAD-PENDProduct no.: TTW-CAD-PENDPendant Conversion Kit with Black Lanyard |
VibraLITE MINI - Purple Leather Band - Vibrating 12 Alarm Reminder Watch -TTW-VM-LPLProduct no.: TTW-VM-LPL12 Daily Alarm Settings |
Flexi Stretch Watch BAND - Duraflex 13ST - VL-MINI-FLEXProduct no.: VL-MINI-FLEXVL MINI Flexi Stretch Watch Band - Duraflex 13ST |
MedPage Beeping Tone & Vibrating Alert Pager Receiver - MPPL-PAGERProduct no.: MPPL-PAGERUse the beeping and/or vibrating pager to receive help call alerts from up to 10 connected devices within 120 metres. |
AMPLICALL 2 ⧍ emergency alerter TT-AC2Product no.: TT-AC2Geemarc AMPLICALL 2 is an emergency alerter / carer alert. Requires receiving device Vibrating Ringing Indicator- AMPLICALL 16 OR 20 . |
VibraLITE MINI - White Silicon Band - Vibrating Alarm Reminder Watch - TabTimer TTW-VM-SWHProduct no.: TTW-VM-SWH12 Daily Alarm Settings
Sonic Alert Sonic Shaker™ - Sonic Boom - Vibrating Travel Alarm Clock - TTC-SBP100Product no.: TTC-SBP100Small, light-weight, self-contained and battery-operated, this is a travel alarm that you can count on. |
VibraLITE MINI - Multi Colour Rainbow Silicon Band - Vibrating Watch - TabTimer TTW-VM-SMCProduct no.: TTW-VM-SMCUp to 12 Daily Alarms
VibraLITE MINI - Pink Neon Band - Vibrating Watch- TTW-VM-VPNProduct no.: TTW-VM-VPN12 Daily Alarm Settings
Custom Countdown Timer - TT1-CUSTOMProduct no.: TT1-CUSTOMCustom Countdown Timer |
VibraLITE MINI - Flexi Stretch Band - Vibrating Watch - TTW-VM-FLEXProduct no.: TTW-VM-FLEX12 Daily Alarm Settings |
WatchMinder 3 - black - vibrating watch reminder system WM3-BKProduct no.: TTW-WM3-BKUp to 30 Daily Alarm Settings |
WatchMinder 3 - white - vibrating watch reminder system WM3-WHProduct no.: TTW-WM3-WHUp to 30 Daily Alarm Settings |
WatchMinder 3 - Blue - vibrating watch reminder system WM3-BLUProduct no.: TTW-WM3-BLUUp to 30 Daily Alarm Settings |
WatchMinder 3 - pink - vibrating watch reminder system WM3-PKProduct no.: TTW-WM3-PKUp to 30 Daily Alarm Settings |
WatchMinder 3 - Red - vibrating watch reminder system WM3-REDProduct no.: TTW-WM3-REDUp to 30 Daily Alarm Settings |
WatchMinder 3 - Flexi - vibrating watch reminder system WM3-FLEXProduct no.: TTW-WM3-FLEXUp to 30 Daily Alarm Settings |
MedPage Splash Proof Call Pendant with Vibrating Pager - MPPL-ERTXSETProduct no.: MPPL-ERTXSET $280.00 * |
MedPage Splash Proof Transmitter Help Call pendant - MPPL-ERTXProduct no.: MPPL-ERTXSplash Proof alert transmitter easy press button use with MPPL-PAGER (purchased separately) Help call a nearby carer via wireless technology |
The Handi Pill Organiser - 4 Alarm 28 Compartment Pill Box Timer - TT4-28-HANDIProduct no.: TT4-28-HANDIUp to 4 alarms per day - 28 storage compartments |
Rainbow CONNECTION Pill Box Timer - TT4-15Product no.: TT4-15Up to 4 alarms per day - 15 storage compartments |
Wake'n'Shake Voyager Vibrating Alarm Clock matress/pillow shaker- TTC-VOYAGER-BKProduct no.: TTC-VOYAGER-BKWake'N'Shake Vibrating Travel Alarm Clock mattress/ pillow shaker |
Large Capacity Weekly Organizer Reminder - TT06-28Product no.: TT06-28Large Capacity Weekly Organizer and Medication Reminder |
TabTimer Careousel MK3 Automatic Pill Dispenser TT28-29MK3-11Product no.: TT28-29MK3-11Pivotell® Mark3/11 Automatic Pill Dispenser, with 1-28 daily alarms and features designed for Pharmacy Filling.