Customer ratings for TabTimer 8 Alarm Timer - TT8-0SQ

TabTimer 8 Alarm Timer - TT8-0SQ
Product no.: TT8-0SQ
incl. GST
Product data sheet

Up to 8 alarms per day - square reminder
Aural or visual alert with magnetised clip
with countdown timer

Currently in stock dispatch 24-48hrs

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Number of ratings: 4
Average rating: 5
Very helpful and easy to use.
from Colleen Armstrong on 08/01/2022
Call signal is very clear and ability to add a reminder after the actual medication time is very useful.
very good
from Margaret McFarlane on 05/11/2021
It has been very reliable for all the hours it needs to remind us of our medication.s
from Don Retallack on 14/06/2020
It does everything I wanted.
from Trevor Crapper on 23/04/2020
For the 1st time in Months, I have NOT forgotten to take my multitude of Medications & Insulin.

The alarms are clear & loud which gets the message through

No more wondering if I have taken my Medications or not, The alarm is set twice in the morning & twice in the evening